What is enoxaparin?
Enoxaparin helps to reduce the risk of blood clots and is known as an anticoagulant (coagulation is the medical name for clotting of the blood). In some cases, enoxaparin can actually be used to treat people who have had a blood clot. Clexane® and Inhixa® are available brands of enoxaparin.
Why do I need enoxaparin?
A blood clot can develop in the large veins of the body, usually in the legs. The medical name for this condition is deep vein thrombosis (sometimes referred to as DVT).
Although these clots may not present an urgent risk, they do need to be treated to prevent possible problems. Sometimes, a blood clot can break free and travel through the bloodstream. If a clot lodges in the lungs, it can cause chest
pain and difficulty in breathing. It can be very dangerous if not treated. The medical name for this condition is pulmonary embolism (PE).
Enoxaparin works in two different ways. Firstly, by stopping
existing blood clots from getting any bigger, which helps your body to break them down and stop them from causing you harm. Secondly, by stopping blood clots from forming in your blood.
How should I take enoxaparin?
Enoxaparin needs to be taken as an injection. You should have your enoxaparin injection at the same time every day. Your nurse or doctor will tell you how long your enoxaparin treatment will last. There are several different doses of enoxaparin depending on the reason why you are having treatment.
How should I inject enoxaparin?
Your nurse or doctor will already have shown you how to inject yourself using a enoxaparin syringe. It is important that you know the correct technique before you try to inject yourself. If you are unsure, you should ask your nurse or doctor for advice.
1. First, wash your hands with soap and water. Then dry them thoroughly.
2. Sit or lie in a comfortable position making sure that you can see the part
of your stomach where you are going to inject.
3. Choose an area on either the left or the right side of your stomach at
least two inches away from your navel, out towards your side. Change
the place where you inject between the left and right sides of your
stomach; depending on the area you were last injected.
4. Carefully remove the protective cap from the end of the syringe taking
care not to bend the needle. Do not press the plunger before injecting
yourself to remove any air bubbles as this can lead to a loss of medicine.
5. Hold the syringe like a pencil in the hand you normally write with. Pinch
a fold of the skin you are going to inject between the thumb and index
finger of your other hand.
6. Insert the whole length of the needle into the fold of skin, keeping hold
of the skin between your thumb and forefinger. Make sure you keep the
needle straight and at a right angle to your body.
7. Press down gently but firmly on the plunger until it stops and the syringe
is empty. Make sure you hold the skin fold throughout the injection.
8. Your injection is over and you can now gently pull the needle out, taking
care to keep it straight. A protective sleeve will automatically cover the
needle. You can now let go of the skin fold.
9. Keeping the needle pointing down and away from you, drop the used
syringe straight into the safety bin.
When the safety bin is full contact your local council to arrange for it to be
collected for disposal. It is important that you do not throw this away with
your household rubbish.
1. First, wash your hands with soap and water. Then dry them thoroughly.
2. Sit or lie in a comfortable position making sure that you can see the part of
your stomach where you are going to inject.
3. Choose an area on either the left or the right side of your stomach at
least two inches away from your navel, out towards your side. Change the
place where you inject between the left and right sides of your stomach;
depending on the area you were last injected.
4. Carefully remove the protective cap from the end of the syringe taking
care not to bend the needle. Do not press the plunger before injecting
yourself to remove any air bubbles as this can lead to a loss of medicine.
5. Hold the syringe like a pencil in the hand you normally write with. Pinch a
fold of the skin you are going to inject between the thumb and index finger
of your other hand.
6. Insert the whole length of the needle into the fold of skin, keeping hold
of the skin between your thumb and forefinger. Make sure you keep the
needle straight and at a right angle to your body.
7. Press down gently but firmly on the plunger
until it stops and the syringe is empty.
Make sure you hold the skin fold throughout
the injection.
8. Remove the needle by pulling it straight out.
Do not release the pressure on the plunger.
9. Push hard the plunger. The needle guard,
which is in the form of a plastic cylinder,
will be activated automatically and
it will completely cover the needle.
10. Drop the used syringe into the sharps container.
When the safety bin is full contact your local council to arrange for it to be
collected for disposal. It is important that you do not throw this away with your
household rubbish.
Top tip
Shaking the drop off the end of the needle before insertion will
prevent bruising on your stomach. CHECK BEFORE YOU INJECT.
- Do make sure you keep holding the fold of skin on your
abdomen until you have completely finished your injection.
This will ensure that the medicine goes into the fatty tissue
and not the muscle where it could cause bruising - Do alternate the side of your stomach on which you inject –
right one day, left the next day - Do make sure you put your used syringes into the safety bin
each time you inject – never leave a used syringe lying
around the house - Do follow the advice of your nurse or doctor when taking
your enoxaparin injections - Do take your enoxaparin injection at the same time every day.
- Do look for unusual signs of bleeding
- Do take care when shaving or using other
- Don’t put the enoxaparin syringe down anywhere or touch the
needle with anything before you inject as this will help to
keep it sterile and reduce the risk of infection - Don’t twist off the needle cap, as this could bend the needle
- Don’t inject enoxaparin into bruised or scarred skin or
anywhere that might be rubbed by clothing - Don’t press the plunger before injecting yourself to remove any
air bubbles - Don’t rub the skin after you have injected, as this can cause
bruising - Don’t let anyone else use your enoxaparin syringes
- Don’t put enoxaparin in the fridge or the freezer – keep it at
room temperature - Don’t take any of these medicines while you are using
enoxaparin unless your nurse or doctor tells you to: aspirin or
anything that contains aspirin or pain relievers known as
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) - Don’t use enoxaparin if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to
Enoxaparin Sodium or Heparin
If you notice any of the following effects, contact your nurse or
doctor at once:
- Bleeding from your surgical wound
- Any other bleeding – for example, from the skin where you
have injected, nosebleeds, blood in your urine (pink or dark
brown), or if you cough up or vomit blood - Unusual bruising not caused by a blow or any other obvious
You should also tell your nurse or doctor if:
- You have a serious fall or head injury
- You become pregnant or you are planning to become
pregnant - You notice any other unusual symptoms
The information in this guide is not intended to replace the
advice of your nurse or doctor. If you have any questions or are
unsure about how to inject enoxaparin, your community nurse or
doctor will be able to help.