Please inform us of any changes in your circumstances such as:

  • Change of name, address, or telephone numbers
  • Change of GP
  • Significant change in your health
  • Anything that might make you unable to accept the date offered for your admission

Admission arrangements

Your details will be passed to the gynaecology booking officer where your name will be placed on the waiting list. The booking officer will contact you by telephone to discuss a suitable date for your admission. This will usually be done within two to three weeks.

Pre-admission assessment clinic

You may be asked to come to the hospital for a pre-admission assessment appointment a few weeks before your surgery. If this is the case, we will let you know when confirming your admission arrangements. Pre-admission assessment may reduce the length of time you have to stay in hospital and will provide you with more information about your proposed treatment.


Missed appointments cost Yeovil Hospital huge amount of money each year. Please let us know at the earliest possible opportunity if you will not be able to attend on the date agreed, or no longer need your operation. This will ensure the space can be used for someone else.

If, for good reason, you are not able to attend on the first date agreed you will only be offered one further date. We will give you three weeks’ notice of a new date.

Cancellation of the second date will mean your name will be removed from the waiting list and you will be referred back to your GP.

The members of staff named on the list below are your personal contacts with the hospital and will try to help you with any queries you may have.

Telephone contacts

Booking Officer
Tel: 01935 384 412

Mr A Shah
01935 384 632

Mrs L Karamura
Mrs K Murala
01935 384 628

Mrs N Soliman
Mrs F Shah
01935 384 292

For any queries about your admission or pre-assessment clinic appointment please telephone your consultant’s secretary on the numbers listed above.

If we are unable to take your call please leave a message on the answer machine including your name and daytime contact telephone number.

Ref: 14-17-118
Review: 09/23