Who is suitable for treatment?

This is a form of drug treatment given by injection which acts directly on the ovary, causing follicles to grow and ovulate. Its use is restricted to those women who either do not ovulate in response to simpler treatments or who have failed to become pregnant after a number of ovulatory cycles on these treatments.

How is the treatment organised?

The treatment should be monitored carefully with regular scans and blood tests.

At each visit during your treatment, you will be given instructions about further appointments and treatments, either to continue with the injections you have been having to make the follicles grow, or to have a final injection of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (Pregnyl) which will cause the egg follicles to ovulate.

Good communication is necessary between you and the clinic. Please have an empty bladder when you attend for monitoring with ultrasound scans.

Who gives the injection?

Most patients learn how to give their own with a simple auto-injector device. The nursing staff in the clinic will help you to learn how to do this and give advice.

Are there side effects?

You may experience some tenderness and minor bruising at the injection site. If the site becomes red or swollen, please contact the clinic.

Sometimes patients experience some period-like pain in the lower abdomen when the ovaries are enlarged by follicles. Simple pain killers such as paracetamol or aspirin should be enough to control any discomfort.

We advise patients not to use some types of painkillers at this time, such as Neurofen (pain relief containing Brufen).

Serious enlargements of the ovaries which may need treatment in hospital can occur if the treatment is not properly managed and controlled. This is a very unusual side effect.

Some patients may experience some changes in their emotions during the course of the cycle.

Ref: 14/19/143
Review: 03/21