Bob Norbury, ASPIRE Stroke Group
“I started volunteering after I had a stroke. I was in hospital for six weeks and the treatment I received was excellent. After I attended the stroke group ASPIRE, of which Yeovil Hospital is about the only one that runs a stroke group. I was asked to become a volunteer in the gym. I then started seeing stroke survivors on the ward which I still do. I then got involved with the hospital charity and am on the breast cancer appeal committee. I regularly bucket collect by the main entrance, people in the hospital are excellent and very friendly and I get a real buzz out of helping people.”
Dennis Liles, Meet and Greet Team
“What an honour it is to have found a niche in retirement where giving can be so rewarding. Recently retired I wanted to do something different for society. When the Concierge Meet and Greet Team was formed it was suggested that this was an area for me to consider which I accepted. Giving from the heart enriches life and the more you do that, the more you receive. That is what I try to do. YDH and I are still happily married after six years.”
Jill Hudson, Visitor Support, Intensive Care Unit
“I have volunteered in different parts of the world for most of my adult life. Volunteering is about helping others in times of need. By offering a helping hand, a friendly word, sometimes a hug or maybe just a smile can give both support and comfort and make such a difference to someone’s day. “Volunteering is hugely rewarding; broadening your horizons, learning new skills, providing the opportunity to meet new people and often making very good friends. “A little time to spare, a desire to help is all it takes. It is a very worthwhile venture, one I simply love and it is a privilege to serve our community in this way through Yeovil Hospital.”
John Birch, ASPIRE Stroke Group
“Giving of myself - my reward that I can be that extra pair of hands.”
Julia Wood, The Friends Shop
“I have always wanted to work in a hospital. I use skills which I have already – and also learn new ones. When I take the trolley to the wards I am helping people who are ill. I meet lots of new people and learn how to get on with them. I have been helping in the hospital shop since 2013.”
Keith Stevens, Chaplaincy
“I have been a volunteer member of the hospital chaplaincy team since 2006. I consider it to be the most worthwhile activity I undertake. “One Sunday each month I visit patients on the wards who have requested a visit. Without fail, upon leaving the hospital, I realise it is me who has been touched and been ministered to. What a great joy and privilege.”