We have put together a list that shows how your donation would make a difference for patients. We support all of the hospital’s wards and departments and we currently need funding for the items below:

£50 pays for a tea round, so that our volunteers can visit older patients on the ward with tea in china cups and a selection of cakes

£100 helps us to buy age-specific play equipment for children in hospital

£500 allows us to install ceiling art in a treatment or consultation room. Research has shown that this helps patients to relax by providing a positive and calming image for them to look at.

£1,000 allows us to transform a ward area with art, creating a less clinical feel and providing a distraction for those patients who are unable to leave the ward

£2,000 would allow us to buy the four iPads that our dementia team need. They will use them to show patients films, images and music from the past that will help to bring back memories and improve patient wellbeing

£2,500 would pay for a specialist therapy chair so that stroke patients can start activities on the ward

£3,000 pays for one year’s worth of scalp cooling for our cancer patients. This service is aimed at reducing hair loss and is an important tool in empowering cancer patients at a time when they might be feeling vulnerable

£5,000 would fund three cardiac monitoring devices to help us detect the cause of a stroke

£9,000 would pay for us to refurbish a family-room. Most of our wards have a family room and they play an important role for carers and family members who want to take a break from the clinical environment

£10,000 is the cost of each vital signs monitor. Because patient numbers are increasing, having more monitors will make it easier for busy staff to keep patients safe

£20,000 would fund a Wellbeing Support Officer for twelve months. They would work in A&E and support any patients with dementia who are finding the busy A&E environment distressing

£30,000 would allow us to transform large areas of the Children’s Ward, making them child-friendly and less intimidating for children

£60,000 would allow us to launch a new piece of life saving research (we carry out more research than any other hospital our size)

£100,000 would pay for a new Ultrasound Machine. The more machines we have, the quicker patients can be assessed