This event will be taking place on 23rd October 2021 at Leweston School.

Take part in a 2.5km or 5km sponsored walk around the beautiful grounds of Leweston School, near Sherborne and raise money for your nominated ward or department. Registrations fees include a free hotdog/burger provided by Yeovil’s Rapid Relief Team.

To register for this event, please use the form below, or for more information email Fundraising@YDH.NHS.UK.

Walk for Wards

  • About You

    Do you have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of?
  • Please give as much detail as possible if you answered 'Yes' to the above question
  • Registration Fee

  • Price: £ 10.00
  • Price: £ 5.00
  • Disclaimer

    I understand that this could potentially be a strenuous activity and Yeovil Hospital Chairty is not liable for any injury I may sustain whilst taking part in Walk for Wards.
  • Keeping you informed

    We like to keep our supporters informed about the work of the charity. If you are happy to receive newsletters, updates and information about how you personally can help, please select the appropriate boxes to let us know how you would like us to contact you.