International Cycle 42 for Cancer

It is back, bigger and better than ever!

Sunday 11th September 2022 starting from 10 am at Walronds Business Park near Westport

  • Take part in the debutante (22 miles), the Classic (42) or The Tour (62) and raise funds for Breast Cancer Unit Appeal & The Beacon Centre
  • Registration: £35 individual, £55 couple or £65 family (price includes event t-shirt)
  • Tea and coffee on arrival and BBQ included
  • Electric bikes are welcome

Register online below:

International Cycle42 for Cancer (Online Payment)

  • Personal details

  • Do you have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of?
  • Please give as much detail as possible if you answered 'Yes' to the above question
  • Emergency Contact details

  • Event details

    (please note each start time maybe staggered due to numbers and social distancing)
  • Registration Fee

    When you have completed and submit this form you will be taken to PayPal to complete your payment. A Family Entry ticket covers 2 adults and up to 4 children up the age of 16. If choosing Family, please enter the details of all attending below. Only enter the t-shirt size if required.
  • Disclaimer

  • Keeping you informed

    We like to keep our supporters informed about the work of the charity. If you are happy to receive newsletters, updates and information about how you personally can help, please tick the boxes to let us know how you would like us to contact you.