Who are we?

The League of Friends of Yeovil Hospital began in 1951 as an independent voluntary organisation and registered charity. Since then we have raised the equivalent of in excess of £10 million for the benefit of our patients, their families and the staff who care for them.

The Friends of Yeovil Hospital is an independent charity and not part of Yeovil Hospital Charity.

How do we do it?

We receive bequests and donations from grateful patients and their families, supported by fundraising events which are fun to do and all help to raise awareness of our place in the hospital. Regular income comes from The Friends Shop and the Trolley Service round the wards.

What do we do with our funds?

We receive requests from the medical and nursing staff for medical equipment and amenities for patients which are not readily available on the NHS.

Some of the items we have donated recently include

  • Hand held tablets to enable patients to see and speak to friends and relatives during COVID ‘no visiting’ periods
  • Boredom Buster magazines for patients
  • Wall Art to enhance various areas of YDH
  • Provision of Craft Therapy for another year
  • In-Patient Christmas gifts
  • Refurbishment of the canteen and provision of a pergola – financed by The Friends and a large donation from Captain Tom’s Charity Fund
  • Provide a fund to help those patients in need of toiletries

In the last financial year we were able to disburse £106,771 for such needs, despite the severe restrictions COVID placed on us all.

The Friends hospital shop

The Shop is located on Level 3, opposite the main entrance. It has a wide variety of stock - newspapers and magazines, hot and cold drinks, confectionery, toiletries and toys. It is staffed mainly by volunteers and is open daily (including bank holidays), Monday to Friday 9am – 8pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 4.30pm and from 6 – 8pm. We also provide a weekday newspaper delivery and weekday trolley service to the wards. We are closed only on Christmas Day.

All profits from The Friends Shop benefit the Hospital

During 2020 the Friends Shop was pleased to transfer to the main League of Friends of Yeovil Hospital, the profit of £59,567 from the years trading ending September 2020. Under the guidance of their committee this money will be used to purchase equipment for the hospital.

How can you help?

Join us! We are always delighted to hear from people who would like to volunteer and become a Friend either to work in The Shop, the Trolley Service, the Coffee Shop or help us with fund raising. We also welcome new committee members.

Donation envelopes for the Friends of Yeovil Hospital are also available in The Friends Shop and in all Ward Clerks offices should you prefer to make a quick direct donation.

People can donate by downloading and completing The Friends Gift Aid form even if they are not taxpayers and cannot claim gift aid. Either post the form or hand it in at The Friends Shop or the Hospital’s main reception.

Alternatively a cheque can be sent directly to The Honorary Treasurer, Friends of Yeovil Hospital, c/o Yeovil District Hospital, Yeovil BA21 4AT made out to League of Friends of Yeovil Hospital.

For more information contact:

The Friends of Yeovil Hospital:

Jackie Henderson, Chairman: 01935 425858

Margaret Davis-Brown, Hon Secretary: 01935 477860

Jill Stevens, Hon Treasurer: 01935 823960

The Friends Shop:

Margaret Spurr, Chairman of The Friends Shop: 01460 241181

Shop Manager: 01935 384755

Registered Charity 220038