Live Arts

Live Arts brings a varied programme of high quality live music to patients, staff and visitors at YDH. We aim to enhance patient experience and to improve the emotional well-being of patients, staff and visitors of the hospital through:

- Providing regular live music performances in communal areas of the hospital and wards

- Delivering participatory music sessions for older patients, particularly those with dementia

- Providing opportunities for local musicians and staff to perform at the hospital

A report by Staricoff (2003) showed that live music performances can reduce anxiety of patients, and the presence of musicians can change a ward environment for the better. The report states that the use of live music might be more effective than recorded music because it enables the patient to establish an interaction with the performer and helps to maintain concentration and distraction for a longer period of time.

Research suggests that participation in musical activities can boost self-esteem, benefit well-being, and aid recovery.

Active participation in musical activities can act as a form of social-inclusion, therefore reducing loneliness and anxiety. Regular interaction through activities can have a lasting effect and can build relationships between staff, patients and visitors; enhancing the community within the hospital.

Activities for patients are an important contributor to reducing stress as they are distracting, alleviate boredom and reduce focus on pain and illness.

Performance Schedule

Interested in performing at YDH?

If you play a musical instrument and are interested in performing at YDH. Please contact us.

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about the YDH Live Arts programme please get in touch:

Rosie Mead (Live Arts Coordinator), Email: [email protected]