As a Foundation Trust we are able to involve local people in decisions we make about our Hospital. We are pleased to have around 8,000 Foundation Trust Members, represented by an active Council of Governors.

We want local people to help us plan high quality services and to influence the way the trust develops.

You can do this by:

  • Becoming a Member – for more information ring the free membership hotline on 0800 0929 759 or ask a member of the ward staff for an application form – membership is free.
  • Playing a part in our active Patient and Public Involvement group.
  • Telling our PALS service or writing to the Chief Executive to let us know what we are doing well or how we can improve

Volunteers play an important part in the life of Yeovil District Hospital helping in many ways, from behind-the scenes administration to fundraising and running the hospital shop and trolley service. Volunteers can join the hospital from the age of 16. If you would like to help please contact the Volunteer Coordinator on 01935 383183.