This page gives guidance only. If you have any queries or your symptoms worsen, please contact your GP or
Emergency Department on 01935 384 355.

This page will help to explain the driving restrictions for some patients who have recovered from a collapse and have been discharged from the Emergency Department.

This page is not for people who are seen to have a fit. The driving restrictions after a fit are different and should be discussed with your GP and/or specialist.

  • If you are discharged from the Emergency Department, you will need to know when you are safe to drive again
  • It is the doctor’s duty to advise you when you should stop driving
  • If you have been advised not to drive because of a medical condition, YOU have a legal duty to advise the DVLA:
    The address to write to is:
    Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) Longview Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA99 1TU
    You should also inform your vehicle insurance company. Failure to do so may make your insurance invalid.
    Any worries about driving after a collapse should be discussed with your GP.
    Read the leaflet. Talk to your GP. If you are still unsure you can phone the DVLA directly
    Car licence: 0870 600 0301
    Lorry/bus licence: 0870 241 1879

Patient Groups

Group 1 - simple faint
The doctor is sure of the diagnosis based on the history. There is a low risk of it happening again.

Group 2 - simple faint/low-risk collapse
The doctor suspects a simple faint but is not sure of the diagnosis. However, examination and heart tracing are normal. There is a low risk of it happening again.

Group 3 - high-risk collapse
Your collapse was probably not due to a simple faint and the doctor is admitting you for observation and investigation.

This is because either you were seen to be fitting or the doctor has found one of the following:

  • abnormal heart tracing
  • abnormal signs on heart examination
  • collapse either at the wheel/whilst sitting down/lying down
  • more than one high risk collapse in the last 6 months

There is a high risk of it happening again. You are unlikely to be discharged directly home if you are in this group.

Driving restrictions

Patient groupCars and MotorbikesHGV
Group 1 - simple faintNo restrictionsNo restrictions
Group 2 - simple faint/low-risk collapse4 weeks3 months
Group 3 - high-risk collapse4 weeks*12 months
Driving restrictions for patients who have a fit are longer - you are advised to talk to your GP about this.
You were felt to be in group:

* if the cause has been identified and treated 6 months - if cause is unknown

Review: March 19