Contact numbers after discharge:

Your first contact is your own dentist.

NHS 111 non emergency number is open 24 hours a day.

Date: …………………………


Procedure: ………………………………………………..


Follow up: …………………………………………


Medicines given

Drug Name Dose at (Time) Next due

……………………….……. Dose ………… at ………….. Due at ……………

…………………….………. Dose ………… at ………….. Due at ……………

……………………….……. Dose ………… at ………….. Due at ……………

A local anaesthetic is often used during the surgery. This may mean that your mouth feels numb when you wake up and for a few hours after the operation / procedure. Be careful not to chew or burn your lips whilst they are numb

First 24 hours

Please avoid:

    • Exercise / exertion
    • Gargling or swilling drink around the mouth
    • Drinking from straws
    • Smoking as this can cause bleeding
  • Keep head up (45 degrees)
  • Do not hold anything hot against the outside of the face
  • Do not eat / drink anything hot
  • Soft diet is recommended: Mash potatoes, jelly, scrambled egg, banana, macaroni cheese, soft cooked vegetables, warm soup
  • Foods that are not recommended: Crisps, Chips, Rice, Couscous, Biscuits, nuts

After 24 hours

  • Mouthwash as directed
    • Corsodyl Mouthwash (Use after every meal for seven to ten days)
    • Salt water mouthwash (Use regularly throughout the day and after meals if not using Corsodyl)
      • Mix one teaspoon of salt or bicarbonate of Soda in a mug of hot water- then leave to cool.
      • Take a large mouthful and tilt head to the side so the warm solution floors the inflamed area
      • Hold for one minute before spitting out
    • Use a Soft toothbrush to teeth: Avoid gum sockets

Pain relief

Please use usual analgesia such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. These are most effective if taken on a regular basis (before the pain starts) over the next two to three days.

What to do if bleeding occurs

A “Bite Pack” will be provided on discharge.

  • Wet the bite pack (provided on discharge) with warm water
  • Bite down on the damp bite pack for 20 minutes, sitting in an upright position.
  • Remove bite pack gently
  • Repeat if necessary
  • If the bleeding does not stop call one of the contact numbers above

Post anaesthetic

Following your anaesthetic, it is important that you do not drink alcohol, drive, use electrical items/ machinery, care for young children alone or sign legal documents during the first 48 hours.


These are absorbable so will not need to be removed.

Review 04/20
Ref: 10-18-123