What is Cyclodiode?

Cyclodiode laser is a fast, effective and relatively safe procedure for lowering the pressure inside the eye, usually in advanced glaucoma, where there is no vision or limited visual potential.

Cyclodiode laser is used when the pressure in the eye remains high despite maximum treatment with eye drops. This treatment aims to lower the pressure in order to prevent further loss of peripheral vision, which if left untreated would lead to tunnel vision, visual deterioration and/or potential eye pain.

Following the procedure

You will have an eye shield and eye pad. You will need to keep this in place for six to eight hours.

It is normal that your eye may be red and quite sore when the anaesthetic wears off in six to eight hours. If this happens, you should take your usual painkillers, such as paracetamol. Please ensure you only take the recommended dose.

Your sight may be quite blurred due to the anaesthetic we use.

The eye pressure should settle within six to eight weeks

Eye drops

Your eye drops may change following the procedure; these will be checked with you by a trained nurse. Please ensure you are clear on these instructions, the nurse will be happy to give you a chart with all your treatment times on.

Continue with previously prescribed eye drops in your non operated eye today.

Eye drops in the operated eye will commence the following day.

If your eye becomes sticky

Bathe the eye lid with cotton wool soaked in cooled, boiled water.


Following treatment you are able to read and watch television as normal as these activities will not harm your eye. It is however important to avoid strenuous activity during the first few weeks after surgery.

For the first two weeks:

  • Avoid running water over the eye (showering and washing hair)
  • Do not wear eye make-up
  • Touching, rubbing or knocking your eye

When to seek medical advice

Seek medical advice as soon as possible if you experience:

  • Increasing pain
  • Any discharge from the eye
  • A sudden deterioration or loss of vision

Follow up

You will require regular outpatient appointments, the first of these will be given to you before you leave the ward.

For additional advice regarding your next or future appointments please call the admissions officer on 01935 384 565.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the following:

  • Eye Clinic at Yeovil Hospital
    8am – 5pm Monday – Thursday
    8am – 1pm on Fridays
    01935 606 198
  • Mobile Triage team
    07584 312 399
  • Out of hours
    Contact the Emergency Department at Yeovil Hospital
    01935 384 802


Review: 04/20
Ref: 08-18-119