Press office

To find out the number of a department or ward please click here.

The press office details are below.

All media requests for information, statements, visits and interviews should be made to the Press Office (part of the Communications Department) through the following contacts:

The Communications team are:

Simon Blackburn, Associate Director of Communications

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01935 383079

Caroline Maddams, Communications Manager

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01935 383078

Amy Mercer, Communications Officer

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01935 384233

Alternatively,email: [email protected]

For urgent enquiries (outside normal office hours): 07825 027633

Any requests to film or take stills-photography on the site of Yeovil Hospital, or within our buildings, must be made to the Press Office through the above contacts. All efforts will be made to accommodate such requests where they are reasonable, appropriate and do not impact upon patient-safety.