Call our main number: 01935 475122 / 606060

For Ward and Department telephone numbers click HERE

Patient queries or feedback, contact the Patient Experience Team

As part of out Patient Experience Team the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) provides patients, relatives, carers and service users with confidential and impartial help if they have a problem or need more information while using NHS services.

PALS can be contacted on 01935 384706 or email:

The overall aim is to improve the patient experience by offering advice and support, listening and responding to concerns, suggestions or queries and helping to sort out problems quickly on your behalf.

Media enquiries, contact the Communications Team (Please do not use this email address for queries regarding care or treatment).

Employment opportunities/queries


Yeovil Hospital
Higher Kingston
BA21 4AT

Freedom of Information requests

For more information about making a FOI request please visit our Freedom of Information page.

Hospital and ward contacts

6A01935 384322
6B01935 384272
7A01935 384330
7B01935 384386
8A01935 384395
8B01935 384301
9A01935 384363
9B01935 384399
Children's Ward (10)01935 384360
Emergency Assessment Unit01935 383132
Kingston Wing Ward01935 384519
Intensive Care01935 384407
Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)01935 384539
Maternity - Freya Ward01935 384303
Jasmine Ward01935 384385
Labour Ward01935 384350
A&E Department01935 384355
Ambulance Liaison Officer01935 384477
Antenatal Clinic01935 384311
Audiology01935 384249
Bank nurse Co-ordinator01935 384874
Bed Manager01935 384525
Bereavement Service
Bereavement Service mobile
01935 384746
07990 671855
Bone Densitometry Enquiries01935 384481
Breast and Stoma Care01935 384352
Cardiac rehabilitation01935 384884
Cash Office01935 384317
Chapel01935 384357
Choose and Book and new outpatient appointments01935 384735
Clinical Investigations (Maddox Unit)01935 384457
Colposcopy01935 384622
Communications Department and Media Enquiries01935 383078
Complaints Department01935 384706
Coronary Care01935 384429
Coronary Care Unit01935 384429
Day Theatre Reception01935 384828
Dermatology / Plastics / Oral01935 384926
Diabetic Department01935 384517
Dietetic Nutrition Department01935 384250
Discharge Lounge01935 384876
Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic01935 383122
Eye outpatients01935 384239
Eyes01935 384565
Fundraising Office01935 383020
General Outpatients01935 384320
General Surgery01935 384732
Gynae-oncology01935 384454
Gynaecology Department (Jasmine Ward)01935 384385
Housekeeping and Domestic Manager01935 384383
HR - General Enquiries01935 384586
Kingston Private Patients Wing01935 383476
Macmillan Unit / Oncology Suite01935 384553
Management Office01935 384414
Media / press office01935 384233
Medical Admissions Unit01935 384820
Occupational Health0345 09 44021
Occupational Therapy01935 384358
Ophthalmology01935 384239
Oral Outpatients01935 384420
Oral Surgery / Orthodontics01935 384220
Orthopaedic outpatient clinic01935 384319
Orthopaedics01935 384619
Orthoptic Department01935 384458
Orthotics Department (Surgical Appliances)01935 384380
Outpatients Department01935 384432
Paediatric Outpatients department01935 384507
Palliative Care Team01935 384557
Pathology Reception01935 384298
Pre Assessment Unit01935 384863
Pharmacy Medicines Helpline
01935 384940
01935 383121
Physiotherapy01935 384358
Queensway Day Hospital01935 384875
Radiology - general enquiries01935 384221
Respiratory Nurse Specialist01935 384574
Speech and Language Therapy01823 617464
Theatre Admissions Lounge01935 384778
Urology01935 384564
Volunteers01935 383183
Women's Hospital01935 384411
Management Contacts
PA to Chief Executive and Chairman 01935 384592
PA to Chief of Finance and Associate Director of HR 01935 384370
PA to Chief of Medicine01935 384414
PA to Chief Nurse01935 384896