Our complaints policy is based on national guidance from the Department of Health. All formal complaints whether received verbally, by email, or in written form and whether raised directly from a patient or on their behalf are registered and fully investigated by the Trust. Complaints are administered through the Clinical Governance Directorate who co-ordinate the investigation on behalf of the Chief Executive. There are clear guidelines about how quickly we should complete our investigations, and a final response must be provided within a timescale agreed with the individual complainant. Complaints are one of the largest sources of information about how patients view our services and we are committed to learn from the concerns raised and make changes to benefit future patients. Complaint reports are taken to the Board of Directors and we also have a Compliments, Concerns and Complaints Committee which meets quarterly. This group has strong user and public representation and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the complaint’s agenda and reviewing the Trust’s management of complaints received, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the responses provided. We also produce an Annual Complaints Report. You can download an information leaflet about complaints below. If you would like to make a complaint please email complaints@ydh.nhs.uk or call the Complaints Department 01935 384706
. Alternatively, you can write to: Mr Peter Lewis, Chief Executive, Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Higher Kingston, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 4AT Leaflets Patient Experience