Contact Numbers:                                        

First contact is your own Dentist

NHS 111                                                           111

Musgrove Park Hospital (Taunton)                01823 333 444   Ask for ENT          

Somerset Dental Advice Line                         0300 123 7691

Royal United, Bath                                          01225 428331       Ask for ENT

Yeovil Hospital Day Theatre                          01935 384339     No out of hour’s dental department

Procedure: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

First 24 hours:

A local anaesthetic is often used during surgery. This means that the child’s mouth will feel numb for the next few hours after the operation, which can be a confusing sensation to the child.

Swelling is a normal response to surgery and may last for several days. No hot or cold packs recommended.

Pain relief:

To aid in the recovery after the child’s dental surgery we advise that the use of regular painkillers of Calpol / ibuprofen for the next 2-3 days.

Medicine given:                  Drug name                                        Time                     Next dose due

 …………………………               at            ………………            …………………….

………………………….               at            ………………            ………………………

A soft diet is recommended for 24hrs, this can be the following foods: (Nothing too hot or too cold)

Soft cooked vegetables                     Soup (not too hot)              Mashed Banana                  Scrambled eggs

Macaroni and cheese                        Mash Potato                       Jelly                                      Yoghurt

Foods that are not recommended for 24 hours:

Crisps                    Chips                     Rice

Couscous              Biscuits                 Nuts      

Other 24hr advice:

  • Please avoid drinking straws, fingers in mouth, gargling and swilling of drink around the mouth.
  • Soft brush to the teeth avoiding the sockets.

What to do if bleeding should occur.

  • With the bite pack provided, remove from the packet and dampen with water
  • Place into the mouth where you can see the bleeding socket.
  • Sit with your child in an upright position for around 5-10 min
  • After 5-10 min remove the gauze gently.
  • If bleeding has not stopped repeat this for the second time.
  • If they cannot tolerate the bite pack, you can use the glove provided and put gentle pressure on the socket with your finger.
  • If both techniques should fail after the second attempted, please contact the numbers highlighted.

Ref: 10/21/140
Review: 10/23