Your child has sustained a fracture or break to their collar bone. This type of fracture is common in children. These fractures heal well with rest and time.
We have provided your child with a sling to make them more comfortable and to reduce the chance of further injury. The sling should be worn for two to three weeks. The sling can be removed for bathing/showering without risk to the fracture.
Your child may find it more comfortable to sleep sitting upright, propped up with more pillows, for a few days after the injury. The sling will help to reduce the level of pain, but your child may also require painkillers. You can give them paracetamol and ibuprofen regularly until more comfortable and after that, just when needed. Please read and follow the manufacturer’s dosage instructions carefully.
The shoulder and arm can be moved out of the sling as comfort allows. This will usually be about two weeks after the injury but can be sooner if comfortable. Encourage your child to move their elbow, hand and fingers when wearing the sling.
Sometimes children will want to stop wearing the sling a few days after the injury when the break becomes more comfortable. This will not cause any further damage to the collar bone so be guided by your child’s comfort level.
Your child may return to sports such as swimming as soon as comfortable but contact sports such as football and rugby should be avoided for six to eight weeks.
The fracture generally occurs in the middle of the bone.
An arm sling may be used for comfort for up to two to three weeks.
If your child is still experiencing symptoms after three months and you do not feel they are improving, please contact the Fracture Clinic on:
Telephone: 07584 580 655
Email: [email protected]