Sister Champi Dona has been shortlisted for the prestigious Health, Medical and Social Care BAME Apprentice Award out of 300 apprentices nominated nationwide.

Champi has been at Yeovil Hospital for over 12 years having started off as a staff nurse and working her way up to becoming a sister on two wards. Champi embarked on the Level 7 Senior Leader Master Degree Apprenticeship Programme in April 2019 not knowing the new challenges and triumphs that awaited her.

Champi said: “I wanted to do the apprentiship because I wanted to achieve an higher academic qualification. I believed that if I gained this qualification it would positivity impact on my future while giving me the skills to further help not just our patients but my team. I have learnt so many new skills which I have been putting into practice around the Trust by getting involved with new initiatives and projects.”

The BAME Apprenticeship Awards highlight the outstanding work and achievement of those from minority and ethnic backgrounds throughout a variety of careers. The awards aim to close the diversity gap and make a meaningful change to the lives of BAME staff.

Champi added: “I am extremely honoured to be shortlisted amongst some fantastic candidates. As excited as I am to see who the winner might be, I am extremely proud of myself for getting this far. I have to say I am extremely lucky to have such a supportive family both at home and at work, who encouraged me to keep going even when I struggled, without their support I am not sure I would be where I am today.”

Throughout her time at Yeovil Hospital members of Champi’s team have referenced her as as a “natural leader”, “the mother of all” and “one of the hardest working members of staff” and it is clear to see why she has been shortlisted for the Health, Medical and Social Care Award and we wish Champi the best of luck for when the winner is revealed the end of September.


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