Our Dietetics team enjoyed a successful week highlighting the importance of good nutrition and hydration to patients and staff during this year’s Nutrition and Hydration Week.

The national campaign, which ran from Monday 12 to Sunday 18 March, emphasises the impact good nutrition has at all stages of life, from infancy to old age. The week also recognises the impact social isolation has on nutritional intake, especially in the elderly.

Staff took part in training on the wards as well as the dieticians at Yeovil Hospital gathering feedback from staff, patients and visitors as they look at identifying areas that can be developed to improve the experience our patients have while staying on a hospital ward, encouraging patients to eat well.

Head of dietetics Sarah Ashley-Maguire said: “There is already a lot of fantastic work going on across our wards at Yeovil Hospital, with milkshake rounds to build up our elderly patients and social eating where possible, as well as a big move to encourage patients to eat meals out of bed, like you would at home.

“This week has been a great opportunity for us to celebrate this as well as for our staff to learn more and share their great ideas. It has been a great success in helping staff, patients and visitors to understand the impact good nutrition and hydration has and the different difficulties many of our patients may have, from difficulties with breathing to the effects of dementia.”

Alongside the training and sharing of ideas, the dietetics team has also been focussing on the importance of staff eating well and staying hydrated with activities and challenges such as the 10th floor challenge (stair climbing activity) and healthy snacks for staff to keep them focussed during the training.

Nutrition and hydration “Champions” were selected throughout the week with a winning team being announced on Friday.

Pictured: The winning team was Ward 6B.

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