Welcome to the Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit based in the Emergency Department on level 3.

You have been asked to attend the unit for on-going investigation and/or treatment of your current condition. The medical team treating you have agreed that your condition can be safely managed on an outpatient basis and at this time, you do not need admitting to hospital.

The unit is open 10am to 10pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Important information

If you feel more unwell, your condition changes or if you require advice within these hours please call the unit on 01935 384 404. The team may be busy with other patients, so please leave a message with your name and phone number and they will endeavour to phone you back within the hour.

If you require urgent advice outside of these hours, please call the NHS 111 service. If you feel the situation is life-threatening, please dial 999.

We operate a multi-disciplinary team in the Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit; you may be seen by a number of our staff during your time here including doctors, advanced health care practitioners and nursing staff.

For some conditions, further investigations such as a blood test or x-ray may be required and these will be arranged as quickly as possible. Sometimes we may ask you to come back later in the day or the following day to complete these.

lease bear in mind the appointment that you are given in ambulatory care may involve a number of tests and therefore, please be prepared to wait.

Depending on your treatment plan we may ask you to return for a number of appointments so we can monitor your progress, this may include weekend appointments.

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let us know on 01935 384 404, so we can re-arrange if needed.


You are welcome to purchase refreshments from the coffee pods on level 3 in the main reception or outpatients waiting area or The Canteen offers hot and cold meals and snack on Level 2 whilst you wait for the results of your tests. There is also a shop and a cash point in the hospital’s main reception on Level 3 should you need it.


Wherever possible you will need to arrange your own transport when attending the unit.


We hope that you will find your experience in the Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit to be satisfactory. If however, you have any concerns, comments or suggestions about the care you receive, please do not hesitate to discuss them with the unit staff or the Patient Advice and Liaison
Service (PALS).

The staff on duty will be able to advise you how to contact the PALS Officer.

Reference: 07-17-101 v2
Review: 11/22