Bleb needling re-opens the Trabeculectomy scaring and this lowers the eye pressure for good long-term control.
On the day of surgery
You may experience pain and discomfort once the anaesthetic has worn off. You can take your usual painrelief such as paracetamol, do not exceed the dose stated on the packaging. Carry on with your usual medication including aspirin and warfarin, unless advised otherwise.
After your surgery
Your vision will be blurred for several weeks. Glasses may be worn if you find them helpful.
Eye drops
You will be given anti-inflammatory and antibiotic eye drops to prevent inflammation and infection.
If your eye becomes sticky
Bathe the eye lid with cotton wool soaked in cooled, boiled water.
The plastic shield and eye pad
The plastic shield and eye pad over your eye will be removed the following morning in clinic. However, you should wear the shield at night for three weeks to stop you touching or rubbing your eye while you sleep.
The shield can be cleaned with soap and water.
For the first four weeks:
- Gentle exercise (walking) is fine, but you should expect to avoid strenuous exercise (running, ball sports and fitness workouts),
- Avoid running water over the eye (showering and washing hair)
- Do not wear eye make-up
- Do not rub your eye or press on the eye
- Avoid lifting heavy objects
- Avoid gardening
- Avoid swimming or immersing the eye
- Avoid bending with your head below waist level for extended periods of time (activities such as bowling and yoga)
- Sleep with two or three pillows
Work: Most people take two weeks off work after surgery; however, the length of time will depend on the nature of your work.
Driving: At your post-operative clinic appointment, you will be advised on your driving. Please do not drive until your doctor feels it is safe to.
Look at your vehicle insurance policy about any clauses on eye surgery prior to driving
Seek medical advice as soon as possible if you experience:
- a throbbing or severe pain in or around your eye not relieved by painkillers
- excessive watering or sticky discharge
- a rapid deterioration or loss of vision
- increasing redness in your eye
You will need to return to the hospital either the next day or two days later
For additional advice regarding your next or future appointments please call the admissions officer on 01935 384 565.
Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the following
- Eye Clinic at Yeovil Hospital
8am – 5pm Monday – Thursday
8am – 1pm on Fridays
01935 606 198 - Mobile Triage team
07584 312 399 - Out of hours
Contact the Emergency Department at Yeovil Hospital
01935 384 802