council of governors

The Council of Governors is made up of public and staff governors elected by the membership and appointed governors from Clinical Commissioning Groups and local authorities.

NHS foundation trust governors are the individuals that bind a trust to its patients, staff, and local stakeholders. They are direct representatives of local interests within the governance structure of the trust. The functions they perform go beyond community liaison; they have statutory responsibilities with the potential to have a significant effect on the management of the trust.

Any member can stand to be a public Governor once an election in their constituency is announced.

Governors have a significant role to play in the Trust. The Term of Office will normally be three years and a maximum of nine years. The governing body is not responsible for the day-to-day running of the trust but works with the board of directors to produce the trust’s future plans; it ensures that the voice of members and partners are used to inform the trust’s decisions.

Governors do not need to have experience of formal meetings. Training and support will be given. Some conditions prohibit election as a Governor for a few people. These are fully listed in the Constitution.

Responsibilities include:

  • attendance at approximately four Council of Governors meetings per year
  • participation in consultation on plans for local health provision changes;
  • participation in consultation about any areas of their own particular interest
  • meet with and speak to members within their constituency to hear their views;
  • receive user-friendly information to keep up to date with the Trust’s work
  • appoint the Chair and Non-Executive Directors of the Trust and approve the appointment of the Chief Executive.
  • Governors receive out-of-pocket expenses but not a salary and do not receive a ‘dividend’, bonus or any special NHS treatment.

If you need to contact your governor please email Nicola Webber or call 01935 384414 or write to your governor care of the Management Suite, Level 1, Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Higher Kingston, Yeovil BA21 4AT.