Foundation trusts (FTs) are part of the NHS but are independently run and directly accountable to their local communities for the performance and strategic direction of the trust. This is achieved through the trust governance structure, in which a unitary board of directors is scrutinised by, and answers directly to, the governors of the trust.

Council of Governors

NHS foundation trust governors are the individuals that bind a trust to its patients, staff, and local stakeholders. They are direct representatives of local interests within the governance structure of the trust. The functions they perform go beyond community liaison; they have statutory responsibilities with the potential to have a significant effect on the management of the trust.

The governing body is a valued and effective body advising the trust on issues that are important to patients and the wider community. It works with the trust to ensure it provides the best possible service to its patients.

The governing body is not responsible for the day-to-day running of the trust but works with the board of directors to produce the trust’s future plans; it ensures that the voice of members and partners are used to inform the trust’s decisions.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the principal decision making body of our hospital, and is directly involved in the day to day running of the hospital, it is made up of a Chairman, Chief executive officer, executive directors and non executive directors.

The Board’s role is to direct and control the organisation in the public interest and is tasked with ensuring accountability to the public. All the Board members take collective responsibility for the Board’s decisions and performance. The main functions of the Board of Directors are to establish strategic direction, aims and values of the trust. Ensure the main focus and strategy of the trust is delivered and that the Trust achieves its aims and objectives. The Board of Directors allocates resources and monitors organisational and executive performance. It has a responsibility to delegate operational matters to management and oversee senior management arrangements and appointments. The board also has a duty to understand and manage risk.