Working closely with Somerset NHS Stop Smoking Service Yeovil Hospital is committed to ensuring a smoke free environment for our staff, patients and visitors. We are therefore taking positive action in order to publicise the support available for those who wish to stop, or who need extra support to manage without smoking whilst in, or visiting, the hospital.

To ensure a smoke free environment smoking is not permitted anywhere on the Hospital’s grounds or premises, this includes pavements, walkways and car parks (including within your own car while on site).

Smoking can increase the risk of wound infections, complications, prolonged length of stay and readmission. If you are coming into hospital for an operation you are strongly advised to discuss how to stop, or reduce, smoking during the period leading up to your stay with your GP or a member of hospital staff.

Whilst in hospital patients will be asked if they smoke; patients who do smoke will be offered advice and support and may be prescribed nicotine replacement products such as patches or lozenges to help them manage without smoking during their stay. Those patients that do wish to stop will also be referred to their local NHS Stop Smoking Service following their discharge to ensure continued support. Patients attending the hospital for outpatient appointments or day surgery may wish to buy nicotine replacement products before they arrive and patients admitted to wards will not be supported by staff to leave the ward to smoke.

We thank you in advance for helping to support us in ensuring a smoke free environment for all. Further information can be accessed by texting the number below, or visiting the Smokefree NHS website (

Smokefreelife Somerset provides free, friendly support from a trained Quit Coach to help you stop smoking.

Smokers are 4 times more likely to succeed at stopping with medication and support.

Nicotine Replacement Therapies are available & the supply of other medications can be arranged through Doctors or Pharmacies (usually free)


The first appointment gives time to:

  • discuss current & past smoking as well as any previous attempts & / or successes at stopping
  • start planning how to change triggers for, & associations with, smoking
  • look at all of the available medications & choose what would be best
  • test carbon monoxide levels

Follow up appointments give time to:

  • check out how it’s going & adjust the plan if needed
  • test carbon monoxide levels
  • supply / arrange medication

For further information / to book an appointment:

Call: 01823 356222

email: [email protected]

The national website: also gives information about stopping smoking / local services & access to the stop smoking App

Information can also be found at ‘One You’ Somerset:

A comprehensive review of the latest evidence on e-cigarettes, commissioned by Public Health England, concluded that e-cigarette use is around 95 per cent less harmful than smoking.

E-cigarettes can be used as an aid to stop / reduce smoking as well as managing smoking at work. They are not available from Smokefreelife Somerset.

E-cigarette’s are not permitted to be used on the hospital site.

If you don’t want to stop smoking completely you can use Nicotine Replacement Therapies to manage cravings / withdrawal whilst you are at work. Any of the products (patches, nasal spray, mouthspray, gum, lozenge, oral strip, microtab, inhalator) can be used and are all available to buy over the counter in Supermarkets, Pharmacies & other outlets. Further advice relating to the products & strengths that may be appropriate for each individual smoker can be obtained by calling Smokefreelife Somerset on 01823 356222 or emailing [email protected]