Notice to all Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust potential and actual business partners, contractors, service providers, patients and staff.

Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (YDH) has a zero tolerance approach to fraud, bribery and corruption, and is committed to maintaining the highest values of probity and accountability. The Trust is committed to the prevention of fraud within the Trust, and the rigorous investigation of any such allegations. All concerns of fraud will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action taken to uphold the standards of the Trust. The Trust wholly endorses the NHS Counter Fraud Authority strategy towards the elimination of any fraud within the NHS, and will seek to apply appropriate criminal, disciplinary, regulatory and civil sanctions against fraudsters and where possible will attempt to recover any identified losses.

The Trust wishes to encourage anyone that has reasonable suspicions of fraud to report them. All employees, patients and contractors can be confident that they will not suffer in any way as a result of reporting reasonably held suspicions of fraud.

The Trust’s main points of contact for any issues are as follows: Claire Baker – (Local Counter Fraud Manager) – 07583 255 921 or Sarah James – (Chief Finance Officer), YDH -

Anti-Fraud Bribery and Corruption Policy