Research has been run at the hospital since the 1990s and continues to gather momentum with more than 110 studies recruiting and on follow up. You can see our current open NIHR studies here.

Taking part in research opportunities can be very rewarding and it can involve:

  • Taking part in activities that you may find helpful for your condition
  • Understanding your condition better
  • Helping researchers to develop new treatments and ways of working for the benefit of future generations
  • Receiving new treatments that are not yet widely available
  • Feeling that you are giving something back to the NHS

It is your decision whether you would like to take part in research. If you choose not to, your care will not be affected in any way. You may be asked by a member of your consultant’s team or by your GP at this, or any future visits.

If you have not been asked about research, but would like to find out more about the trials taking place here, please ask the nurse or doctor looking after you.

For those who like an interesting read, here is the first edition of a new research e-magazine.

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in Research (PPIE)

The National Institute for Health Research has a vision “for a population actively involved in and engaged with research to improve health and wellbeing for themselves, their families and communities”.

You can get involved in NIHR Research by

  • Suggesting a research question
  • Giving your opinion of potential research
  • Joining one of the NIHR decision making committees
  • Becoming a Research Champion click here.

Further information can be found here

Supporting Research

We need people’s help and support to make sure our research benefits patients and to tell us what it is like to take part.

If you are interested in helping us to develop research to improve healthcare within the NHS, please complete the form below:

  • We are committed to protecting your privacy and we will only use the information provided to contact you about the area of research you have expressed an interest in. We will never wilfully disclose personal information about you to a third party without consent. All your information will be held securely and will only be accessed by members of the National Institute for Health Research and NHS staff.

Join Dementia Research

Join Dementia Research is a place to register your interest in supporting Dementia Research. Dementia affects more that 850,000 people in the UK and Research is the best way to make a difference.

There are over 48,000 volunteers registered and taking part in a study and 297 Research Sites have used the service.

Please follow this link to find out more and become part of vital dementia research

Contact us

If you require more information then please contact the department on:

Telephone: 01935 384559