The National Institute for Health Research has a vision “for a population actively involved in and engaged with research to improve health and wellbeing for themselves, their families and communities”. Being involved in research, is not the same as taking part in research. You will not be asked to take part in a trial or study, but you may be asked about being a member of the research team to design and run the study. You can get involved in NIHR Research by
- Suggesting a research question
- Giving your opinion of potential research
- Joining one of the NIHR decision making committees
- Becoming a Research Champion click here.
When the public gets involved in research, they work alongside researchers to help shape:
- what research gets done
- how it’s carried out
- and how the results are shared and applied in practice.
Further information can be found HERE
A research champion is someone who may, or may not, have taken part in a research study before, but who has an interest in getting more involved in research in order to develop better care and treatment for people. They are volunteers and help to spread the word about research to the general public and patients. Find out more about being a research champion and the invaluable role they undertake HERE.
The NIHR are open to any suggestions for the next research topic. They are looking how to improve public health to see what really works in practice, but to make the decision on what research to fund, they need an idea or picture of which questions most urgently need answering. Your idea will be seen by the research funding programmes and if suitable, taken to one of the decision making committees that priorities research for funding. Find out more HERE
The NIHR Clinical Research Network South West Peninsula has relaunched it’s public-facing magazine. Click on the picture to view.