Getting involved in Research at Yeovil Hospital

Yeovil Hospital is a research active trust. There are several ways you can get involved in research:

  • Take part in national studies on the NIHR portfolio
  • As a Principal Investigator in Commercial and Non-Commercial research studies

South West Peninsula Clinical Research Network Research Associate Scheme guidance and overview 2022-23

The scheme is designed to allow time for post holders to develop knowledge and insight into the research process, supporting recruitment into NIHR Portfolio studies, whilst also acquiring skills to become future principal and chief investigators, thereby becoming Ambassadors for the NIHR CRN. For more information go to

Useful Links

NIHR CRN Health Services Research Toolkit

Health services research is critical for an NHS that is effective, efficient and centred on patient need. However, there are lots of challenges to doing good quality health services research. This toolkit is designed to bring together ideas, guidance and support together in one place, to help you deliver the high quality health services research that the NHS and health and social care settings needs.

Normalising research - Promoting research for all doctors

When doctors and other healthcare professionals engage with research opportunities as part of their clinical work, there are demonstrable benefits to individual patients, patient care overall, healthcare teams, care organisations, practices and doctors themselves.

The NIHR resources and learning tools help health and care professionals in the important role they play in the delivery of research to improve care for patients and the public.
The NIHR Events page list various courses from webinars to local research network speciality meetings.
You need to ensure that you have the relevant NHS ethical and Health Research Authority (HRA) approval and that the resources, including funding, are in place to carry out the research. HRA approval is now the route for all project based research to commence in the NHS in England. You can find out more info from the HRA here.
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South West Peninsula - or PenARC - undertakes high-quality applied health research focused on the needs of patients and supports the translation of research evidence into practice in the NHS.
Got a research idea and not sure how to turn it into a funding application? Talk to the Research Design Service (RDS). The RDS provides support to health and social care researchers across England on all aspects of developing and writing a grant application including research design, research methods, identifying funding sources and involving patients and the public. Advice is confidential and free of charge.
Yeovil District Hospital is involved in many studies both Commercial and Non-Commercial across a wide variety of specialities and each has a Principal Investigator. To become a PI you will need to be in possession of a current GCP (Good Clinical Practice) training attendance certificate. If you are on a study delegation log it is Trust policy that you are in possession of a current (less than 2 years old) GCP training attendance certificate. The drop down links below provides more information. If you would like to become involved in a current study please contact us on 01935 384559 or

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is the international ethical, scientific and practical standard to which all clinical research is GCP training conducted. Compliance with GCP provides public assurance that the rights, safety and wellbeing of research participants are protected and that research data are reliable. If you are on a study delegation log it is Trust policy that you are in possession of a current (less than 2 years old) GCP training attendance certificate.

Everyone involved in the conduct of clinical research must be competent to perform their tasks, qualified by education, training and experience. This is a requirement of the Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care 2005, the policy covering all research in the NHS in England, and in law (SI 2004/1031, Schedule 1, Part 2, 8) for those people working on clinical trials.

NIHR CRN GCP courses are available free of charge to the NHS, UK universities, and other publicly funded organisations conducting and supporting clinical research.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is the international ethical, scientific and practical standard to which all clinical research is conducted.

Compliance with GCP provides public assurance that the rights, safety and wellbeing of research participants are protected and that research data are reliable. If you are new to research you will need to complete this course. The e-learning course which provides an introduction to GCP in a Hospital, Community and Dentistry setting. This course is open to all users of NIHR Learn with a verified system account. This course may take approximately 4 hours to complete. You do not need to complete the course in one sitting, your progress will be automatically saved and you can pick up where you left off. To access the course click here. Booking GCP

  • On the home page –click on ‘GCP online’
  • Click on ‘Introduction to good clinical practice (GCP) eLearning’
  • Click on ‘enrol me’ (at the bottom of the page)
  • Complete all the modules
  • Please do remember to print out your certificate at the end of the course. You will be required to send a copy to the Clinical Research Unit before you can commence working on any clinical trials.

Please contact [email protected] for further details. A copy of your certificate will be held with our records and reminders of updates will be emailed to you at the appropriate time. research

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Refresher: eLearning Open to all users who have previously completed either online or face to face Introduction to GCP. This course is made up of the following modules:

  • Core
  • Team Roles
  • Safety Reporting
  • Electronic Studies and Source Text
  • Summary

To access the course click here Please do remember to print out your certificate at the end of the course. You will be required to send a copy to the Clinical Research Unit before you can commence working on any clinical trials.

The Clinical Research Unit can also be found on the Dr Toolbox App.


For further information contact either: Joanna Allison - Clinical Research Unit Manager Telephone: 01935 384559 Nicky Marks - Research Facilitator Telephone: 01935 384559