Why choose a baby bonding scan?

Important Coronavirus Pandemic update - 4D scans have been temporarily suspended

We appreciate how difficult it can be to get everyone together so Yeovil Hospital offer an affordable out of hours baby bonding scan service.

This established service does not replace your dating and anomaly scans arranged by your midwife. It is important for you and your baby’s welfare that you attend all your normal routine antenatal appointments with your health care team.

It does however offer you the opportunity to purchase a baby bonding scan at a time more convenient for family and friends to join you, if you wish, to  provide you with an extra ‘look’ at your baby.

With state of the art modern equipment we scan in 3D (a static colour image) or in 4D (a moving colour image– the fourth dimension being time). The clarity of the scan is completely dependant upon the position of your baby/placenta, how much fluid is around your baby, and maternal size. The best time to have this scan is between 26 and 30 weeks.

Please note we can not guarantee to achieve clear 3/4D images on everyone.

During the 20 minute scan you can enjoy seeing your baby, maybe it will be yawning or sucking its thumb.

Due to the size of the room, we request that you do not bring more than four people with you. Children are welcome to attend this scan.

All scans are performed by our highly qualified and experienced obstetric sonographers at the convenient location of Yeovil Womens Hospital on the ground floor in the maternity ultrasound department.

We are able to provide you with eight thermal prints of your baby and a USB stick of images ( including coloured 3/4D) acquired.

When to book?

We suggest you have your NHS scans in the first instance before booking a bonding scan. However, if you cannot wait that long please note this service does not replace your screening scans.       

Scan Cost

Baby Bonding scans cost £80 for a 20 minute scan (price correct from January 2021).

How to book an appointment?

Please telephone: 01935 384907 or 01935 384576 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Debit/credit card payment is required before you attend your scan. Please phone the Ultrasound Office on 01935 384508 Monday to Friday between 9am and 12pm to make this payment.

If you do not have a credit/debit card payment can be made at the hospital General Office by cash or cheque. 

Please note, payment cannot be taken by the sonographer on the evening. Please pay in advance. If payment has not been received three working days prior to your scan appointment, we reserve the right to cancel your appointment.

Important information

Baby Bonding Scans at Yeovil are not undertaken as fetal abnormality checks.

This service has been chosen by you, voluntarily and in addition to your NHS routine scans.

If, however, we suspect that there might  be a problem, we will explain in as much detail as possible.              

With your consent, we will contact your Consultant team or midwife responsible for your care, and a full complete report will be sent to your health professionals.

Please note: This will be done on the next working day as we are unable to contact people out of hours.

How clear will my scan be?

The quality and detail of any scan can be affected by many things including the position of your baby, the amount of fluid around your baby, position of umbilical cord/placenta, stage of pregnancy and maternal size– all beyond our control.

If the sound has to pass through an increased amount of maternal body tissue (skin, fat and muscle) the pictures may not be as clear.

Baby bonding at Yeovil our aim!

Ultimately, we hope you find your Baby Bonding Scan at Yeovil Womens Hospital a reassuring and enjoyable experience.

For further information

Should you wish to discuss this service with a sonographer prior to booking please contact : Andrea Gane or Luis Aparicio on 01935 384508 or email babybonding@ydh.nhs.uk

Ref: 14-19-103
Review: 07/21